Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blog Post #10 What Can We Learn From Mrs. Cassidy?

After watching Mrs. Cassidy's video, Little Kids...Big Potential , I was glad to hear the kids are taught to always write nice comments, never ever write mean comments. As a child that can really be hurtful to hear bad feedback. I was also glad to hear that they do not use their last name when signing a comment, good way to protect the children. I also like how they used Wiki to learn the alphabet and traditions, they were able to learn about traditions all around the world, even from students at USA. Very neat! I love that they use Skype, Wiki, Videos, Nintendo's, etc. to learn more. I think that is a great way to keep the children engaged.

I watched the first part of the interview with Mrs. Cassidy, Interview 1 , and was amazed to find out that she has been blogging with her first graders for five years. I think it is a good idea that she sends home a form for the students parents to know what is being posted. She keeps it safe for the children on the internet. Mrs. Cassidy does not allow last names or pictures matched to the name which is a good way to keep the children safe from any predators online. I do however disagree with her comment that we cannot teach kids these days the way we were taught. I understand technology is taking over and it is a great way to teach. However, if we all have made it this far learning without technology why could we not teach that way? I understand her point that if they write something on their blog they have numerous amount of people reading their blogs, versus just the teacher reading the paper copy. I completely agree that blogging is a great way to make connections around the world.

After watching the second part of the interview with Mrs. Cassidy, Interview 2, I am glad to hear that you can use technology with whatever way interests you. You can use YouTube, Flickr, Blogging, depending on what interests you. Any social media on the internet can be manipulated for learning and connecting world wide. I believe that the key to a successful Twitter is following people who you genuinely care to read about and know how to hash tag so people can see what you have to say. I agree with Mrs. Cassidy when she says that it is a great way to find other students wanting to be teachers. They can help each other out and see what the other has tweeted.

I watched the third interview with Mrs. Cassidy, Interview 3, and I was glad to see Dr. Strange allowed the students in his class to ask questions to Mrs. Cassidy. I like how she gave the USA student an example of how to use Blogger with being a PE coach. I like how she explained that it should not be easy to copy others blogs from previous years because we need to be collaborating. However, not copy and pasting word for word, but using collaboration to succeed. I also like how she explained how she keeps her children safe when searching the web. That could definitely become an issue with children being so young and having access to the internet.

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  1. "I do however disagree with her comment that we cannot teach kids these days the way we were taught. I understand technology is taking over and it is a great way to teach. However, if we all have made it this far learning without technology why could we not teach that way"

    Why should you not teach the way you were taught?
    Every student who succeeds economically will have to be comfortable using technology.
    The objective is no to memorize information. It is to access it, and make intelligent use of it.
    Those who use technology will move to higher levels of learning more quickly.
    You cannot keep the attention of students who have grown up with technology without using technology.
    You will limit the educational and economic worlds that your students will have access to if you teach the way you were taught.
    We used to ride in buggies. Some still do (the Amish). But their economic levels are severely reduced as a result. Is that a decision you want to make for your students?

  2. And one additional point: You will not get a job at a good school (or be able to keep it)!

  3. Ashley,
    I also was happy to see that she kept the students information safe. I think that it helps keep the parents minds at ease, and lets them warm up to the idea of their first grader blogging. I think a lot of people would prefer their child not to use the internet, because it can be a scary place. You have access to just about anything you could ever want to know. I never realized how much I teach myself from the internet until I took this course. I'm constantly using Google to search random questions that I have. That's why when I teach I will incorporate technology, because I do not want to limit my students.
